
Second site visit

Photo of foundations of the Rectory at St Peters Gilgering with students in background.
Foundations of the Rectory at St Peters Gilgering with students in background.

The students returned with their lecturers for their second formal visit to St Peter’s Gilgering, many had already made informal return visits to further explore the site.  They were accompanied by Glenyse, Caroline and Emma from Friends, also Julie Wray and Kerry Feeney from the York Society/ Archives who talked and answer any further questions the students might have.  Philip Narkle deferred his talk for that day to the following Wednesday, when he visited Curtin University and spoke about the pre colonial history of the St Peter’s area also introducing them to the local Aboriginal concept of 6 seasons to the year.

Photo of the Curtin lecturers inside the church sitting at the front of the group
Curtin lecturers inside the church sitting at the front of the group
Photo of students and lecturers reviewing the site.
Photo of students and lecturers reviewing the site.

This second visit was a much cooler day although the flies seemed stickier than before.  Several of the students camped the previous night at Avon Ascent Gwanbygine and extensively explored the surrounding district, including a spooky midnight visit to St Peter’s.  It was lovely to see groups of students scattered among the trees working on their designs, lecturers Katherine and Simon had a trestle table set up under the jam trees, where each group of students brought their work in turn for discussion and advice.

We had secured permission from the neighbours Lyn & Frank Matthews to visit their property to view the remains of the St Peter’s Rectory built in 1875, where Reverend Lynch and his family lived, the ruins no longer belong to the St Peter’s site.  Just before lunch the group walked along Great Southern Highway to the Matthew’s place to explore the ruin’s, even Friends hadn’t seen this before.  Frank explained the layout of the foundations including a post office and a second site which was the stables with forge and separate outside toilet.

An enjoyable day was had by all and we are looking forward to seeing the development of the student’s designs.